Foxpro ReturnObject

Function to prevent problems during object creation to crash your program. When problems arise, your program might be unable to continue, but at least you can show the user what went wrong instead of an uninformative crash warning.

* ReturnObject 
* 2011.05.31 start
* 2012.07.06 parameters added
* Tries to create an object and return this. If object creation failed, a false is returned
* Parameters: Class to instantiate object from, max 2 parameters
FUNCTION ReturnObject( tcClass,tuPar1,tuPar2)
 LOCAL loReturn,lnCount,loError
 lnCount = PCOUNT()
   CASE lnCount = 1
    loReturn = CREATEOBJECT(tcClass,tuPar1)
   CASE lnCount = 2
    loReturn = CREATEOBJECT(tcClass,tuPar1,tuPar2)
    loReturn = CREATEOBJECT(tcClass)
 CATCH TO loError
  loReturn = .f.
 RETURN loReturn 

Foxpro and Excel

It is very possible to automate spreadsheets from Visual Foxpro using VBA/ COM automation. Here I wil document the parts I need.

Connecting to Excel

oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
if vartype(oExcel) != "O"
  * could not instantiate Excel object
  * show an error message here
  return .F.

I use my own library (JLIB) containing a ReturnObject function that fetches errors. Using that function my code looks like this:

PUBLIC goX && global Excel object

IF InitiateExcel()
 * Code here
 ? [Error initiating Excel automation]

PROCEDURE InitiateExcel
 goX = ReturnObject([excel.application])

Open an existing spreadsheet

oWorkbook = oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Open("C:\temp\test.xls")

Create a new blank spreadsheet

oWorkbook = oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Add()

Create a new spreadsheet from a template

oWorkbook = oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Add("C:\temp\template.xlt")

Sheets collection/ objects

oWorkbook.sheets.count && returns the number of tabs/ sheets 
oSheet = oWorkbook.sheets(1) && get an object to control the sheet
? && show the sheet name


A table is called a ListObject in Excel/ Microsoft terminology

oSheet.ListObjects.count && gives the number of tables on the sheet
oTable = oSheet.ListObjects(1) && get an object to control the table
? oTable.ListRows.count && displays the number of data rows in the table
oTable.DataBodyRange.delete && deletes al rows. Error (crash) if there are no rows!

Working with table rows

Adding a table row needs several steps: 1. Add the row and keep the reference to it. 2. Add the column data 1 by 1:

oRow = oTable.ListRows.Add && you have a new row and a reference to it
oRow.Range(1) = Date(2020,7,6) && Add a date in the first column

Using named cells

? oSheet.Range("ProductionDate").value && show value of cell named ProductionDate
oSheet.Range("TotalPages").value = 13

Saving and closing

The save method is in the workbook object. And you can quit from the Excel application object:

oSheet.SaveAs([x:\reports\report.xlsx]) && Save
oExcel.Quit && quit Excel

The Quit only works on this Excel application you’ve initiated. So existing opened Excel sheets are untouched (remain opened).

Sources used