Calculate next workday
Visual Foxpro code to calculate the next working day. Taking into account that our working week is from Monday (1) to Friday (5). We use the built in DOW() Function (short for Day Of Week).… Read More »Calculate next workday
Visual Foxpro code to calculate the next working day. Taking into account that our working week is from Monday (1) to Friday (5). We use the built in DOW() Function (short for Day Of Week).… Read More »Calculate next workday
Listing of many types of connections strings to databases using several driver types. Tip from the YouTube clip “Everything You Wanted to Know About ODMC”. For instance for remote Firebird server using standard port:… Read More »Connection Strings
Needing LDAP access to be able to create some sort of Single Sign-On (SSO), I googled and created this testcode that is able to query the LDAP and place the results in a cursor. This… Read More »LDAP Query from Foxpro
Using the Outlook.Application object to read e-mails from Visual Foxpro. Trying to read e-mail using POP3 or IMAP proved to be hell to me. Documentation is not present or hardly legible. Because we use Microsoft®… Read More »Outlook.Application
If you just want to read the contents of an Excel spreadsheet, there is an easier way using the Microsoft Excel (ODBC) Driver. In a previous post (Foxpro and Excel) we have shown how to… Read More »Read from Excel using MS ODBC
After replacing my computer, I needed to reinstall Visual Foxpro. I had the install disc contents, but whatever executable I started with: it kept on crashing. A Google search brought silly advice, but fortunately there… Read More »Installing Visual Foxpro on Windows 10 64bit
Function to prevent problems during object creation to crash your program. When problems arise, your program might be unable to continue, but at least you can show the user what went wrong instead of an… Read More »Foxpro ReturnObject
It is very possible to automate spreadsheets from Visual Foxpro using VBA/ COM automation. Here I wil document the parts I need. Connecting to Excel I use my own library (JLIB) containing a ReturnObject function… Read More »Foxpro and Excel
Header files (.H) contain declarations and sometimes code. Software uses codes for specific actions or settings, but these codes are illegible for most humans. The header file for Microsoft Word 2016 contains more than 4.500… Read More »VFP: Create header files
Draait een programma al? Door jasperdg op 16 Jul 2007 Het is soms niet handig als je een programma start terwijl dit al draait. Vooral bij programma’s die bewerkingen uitvoeren op databases is dit zeer… Read More »VFP: Check already running (NL)