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Foxpro and Excel

It is very possible to automate spreadsheets from Visual Foxpro using VBA/ COM automation. Here I wil document the parts I need.

Connecting to Excel

oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
if vartype(oExcel) != "O"
  * could not instantiate Excel object
  * show an error message here
  return .F.

I use my own library (JLIB) containing a ReturnObject function that fetches errors. Using that function my code looks like this:

PUBLIC goX && global Excel object

IF InitiateExcel()
 * Code here
 ? [Error initiating Excel automation]

PROCEDURE InitiateExcel
 goX = ReturnObject([excel.application])

Open an existing spreadsheet

oWorkbook = oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Open("C:\temp\test.xls")

Create a new blank spreadsheet

oWorkbook = oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Add()

Create a new spreadsheet from a template

oWorkbook = oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Add("C:\temp\template.xlt")

Sheets collection/ objects

oWorkbook.sheets.count && returns the number of tabs/ sheets 
oSheet = oWorkbook.sheets(1) && get an object to control the sheet
? && show the sheet name


A table is called a ListObject in Excel/ Microsoft terminology
oSheet.ListObjects.count && gives the number of tables on the sheet
oTable = oSheet.ListObjects(1) && get an object to control the table
? oTable.ListRows.count && displays the number of data rows in the table
oTable.DataBodyRange.delete && deletes al rows. Error (crash) if there are no rows!

Working with table rows

Adding a table row needs several steps: 1. Add the row and keep the reference to it. 2. Add the column data 1 by 1:

oRow = oTable.ListRows.Add && you have a new row and a reference to it
oRow.Range(1) = Date(2020,7,6) && Add a date in the first column

Using named cells

? oSheet.Range("ProductionDate").value && show value of cell named ProductionDate
oSheet.Range("TotalPages").value = 13

Saving and closing

The save method is in the workbook object. And you can quit from the Excel application object:

oSheet.SaveAs([x:\reports\report.xlsx]) && Save
oExcel.Quit && quit Excel

The Quit only works on this Excel application you’ve initiated. So existing opened Excel sheets are untouched (remain opened).

Sources used

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