I wanted to compare zero sugar syrup pricing from several websites. However, typing or copy-pasting data would take a lot of time. So I asked Chat-GPT how to get Data from web-pages into a Google sheet. After several Google import types needing structured webpages, the scrapers were mentioned. So I tried out Octoparse.
PDFgear: Free PDF editing
I needed a PDF-Editor to modify a PDF-document. Most editors like Foxit editor and PDFxChange editor need a paid license, and online editors require a paid plan to be able to save your edits.
I found a great alternative in PDFgear. Continue reading “PDFgear: Free PDF editing”
Configuring webpages for Apple
Documentation what definitions you need in your HTML code to best integrate into Apple devices.
Josh Buchea created a comprehensive list of all possible elements to be used in the <HEAD> section of any webpage.
For example useful to check what META tags are needed so an iOS desktop link automatically gets the right icon and title.
Test IBAN numbers
Free webservice to test if your IBAN number is a valid one. Easy to use.
Webhook.site to test posting
Use this free website to test if your http/ https posts works, and what data is sent.
I needed to check what data was being posted using some Javascript I found. And I wanted to test this without programming a receiving back-end before. This article on BannerBear explains webhooks and how to use the webhook.site.
Streaming audio to PC through Bluetooth
Stream your smartphones audio through your PC connected audio using a Bluetooth connection and an App.
NAPS2: Nice (free) scanning software
I was looking for scanning software to digitize and order our documents. In NAPS2 I have found the perfect candidate for the job. NAPS stands for Not Another PDF Scanner.
Before I set out to find new software, I decided on a list of requirements. NAPS2 checks (almost) all of the boxes Continue reading “NAPS2: Nice (free) scanning software”
Download table as Excel file (JS)
Found a great and easy way to export any HTML table through an Excel file on the click of a button!
Calculate next workday
Visual Foxpro code to calculate the next working day. Taking into account that our working week is from Monday (1) to Friday (5).